Ecotone Flora Fauna Consultants is a small but well-established environmental consultancy providing expert ecological services since 1997.
Our size enables us to readily focus on client needs and project scopes with minimal corporate fuss. Our team has worked on flora and fauna projects across every bioregion in Queensland and has a reputation of successfully and safely executing work programs, especially in remote areas.
Based in Weipa, we are proudly locally owned, operated and are the only multi-disciplinary ecological consultancy permanently based on the Cape York Peninsula. With staff also located in Brisbane, the Gold Coast and Townsville, we are well positioned to respond to projects anywhere in Queensland and all remote corners of Australia.
We specialise in:
- Flora and fauna assessments for project approvals
- Investigations and monitoring of threatened flora and fauna
- Conducting fresh water and marine aquatic surveys
- Planning and safely implementing remote survey work
- Ecology of the Cape York Peninsula
- Spotter catcher services

Our New Site is Under Construction
For all enquiries please contact Lauren Dibben.
Ph: 07 4069 9832
M: 0428 383 088